So, there was an announcement yesterday re. proposed layoffs at Bombardier.
We have seen this cycle and its ominous indicators many times since 1988…
G650ER’s are now below $70MM…and all G650 prices will continue to slide.
We noted the sad passing of Andre Turcat, the French chief test pilot for the Concorde (Aerospatiale)
Aviatrade can now report the first ever sub-$60MM sale of a G650…
As usual, the devil is in the details and Aviatrade can provide a comprehensive picture to interested buyers.
This US NBAA bizjet lovefest needs to be trimmed back, much like California poppies, to a biennial event.
We spoke to an aircraft brokerage recently about a couple of G550’s (we are currently buying a G550 for a client).
Basically, most jet owners in China who are faced with an ‘exposure’ issue ...
The BlogAVIATRADE2023-11-29T15:55:47+00:00