It looks like a few of the Hong Kong billionaire jet owners are about to be ‘homeless’, there’s simply ‘no room at the inn’ for all of those shiny new jets.
Aviatrade is currently in the thick of the G650 market and discovering some remarkable facts about the planning and execution of the interior outfitting in these ultra-long-range jets.
There are G650’s for sale….and then there is the best deal on a G650 !
It hasn’t taken very long this year…the latest on pricing from the pre-owned G650 market is that it is now starting ‘below $50MM’.
The bizjet world is not exactly a hive of industry at present and the recent EBACE show was but one example of an industry under stress….
The loudest noise at the ABACE show in Shanghai this year wasn’t the applause for the usual show-piece announcements of Gulfstream, Bombardier and Falconjet orders from the major Chinese financial institutions….
Aviatrade and Bizjet Advisor have been awarded exclusive rights to sell DeepFlight personal submersibles in China.
This article was written quite recently for Aviatrade’s “Bizjet Advisor” magazine in China.
Gulfstream’s pursuit of perfection continues unabated with the recent announcement that the G600 ‘iron-bird’ has ‘flown’ successfully for the first time…
The BlogAVIATRADE2023-11-29T15:55:47+00:00