It’s raining Gulfstream pre-owned sales (well, not quite). However, some of the buyers who had previously been sitting on the sidelines of the Gulfstream G550 marketplace have decided to take the plunge.
The high end of the spectrum for brand-new, (recently delivered) and future position sales in and among the top-tier OEM’s such as Gulfstream, Bombardier and Falconjet appears to be under increasing strain.
A couple of recent Gulfstream G650 sales prompted some discussion in our office regarding Gulfstream G650 acquisition and sale decisions.
By now, most people in our industry will have seen the news about the CAAC certification of the Gulfstream G650 and G650ER in China.
It appears that the G650 market is about to take its first step below the $50MM asking price level (note, we stated asking price…
Any change to the Gulfstream G650 market is big news due to the very limited supply
The last weeks of 2016 and the first weeks of 2017 have seen relatively strong activity in the Gulfstream G650 sales arena.
We are late with this blog post….it should have been aligned with September 2016 happenings in the bizav world.
Any aircraft owner is currently keenly aware of the ‘phone call or email that begins with “well, you know, it’s a buyers’ market“…
The BlogAVIATRADE2023-11-29T15:55:47+00:00